Stories & Writing

Nothing New

I don’t have much to say today. I’m about to start cleaning things to distract myself.

I dropped Kosmo off at the vet this morning after his 3rd seizure in about 28 hours. He had another one last night at 8:30 and then again this morning at 8:10 am.

Wanda is currently glued to my side because she hates it when she is not with her brother, so that should make cleaning pretty exciting.

I’m going to cross at least three things off my list today: Master bathroom, baseboards, and blinds. All of my least favorite things.

I’m going to listen to Motown Radio, which at least will keep me smiling with each song that I love.

I’m going to read a new delightful book, The Thousand Doors of January. I started it last night about 20 minutes before Kosmo’s second seizure.

I’m going to FaceTime and Marco Polo friends and family because I need to see friendly faces.

I’m going to try to relax and keep my mind off of Kosmo at the vet with an IV in his skinny little leg and hope that his tests come back with answers.

6 thoughts on “Nothing New

  1. I searched for your blog post. I’m there with you and Kosmo. You are on my mind and in my heart and prayers. You are a good mom, doing the next right thing for him. That is all you can do.

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  2. You could tell that really, your to-do list was a distraction to keep worries of the heart at bay. I hope the tests come back fine, and that Kosmo will be home with his sister soon. And here’s to clean blinds!

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  3. Oh dear to your least-favorite cleaning but when it is done, you’ll be so glad. I pretty much knew if I didn’t get some of this stuff done while out of school that I’d hate myself. Most importantly: prayers for dear little Kosmo – and to all of you.

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