Horses · Stories & Writing

Before That: Wednesday Edition

Right now, I’m sitting on the couch, writing this post.

Before that, I was eating a blueberry muffin that I made yesterday. If you’re interested, I used this recipe (my favorite), but swapped sour cream with Greek yogurt and oil with applesauce.

Before that, I was watching this fascinating video about how germs spread, shared with me by one of my students.

Before that, I was sending a bunch of resources to my English department–I’m probably getting on their nerves, but curating and sharing resources is my jam, so…. #sorrynotsorry.

Before that, I was typing and sharing this FAQ document for my students. I’ve been communicating pretty regularly on Classroom for the last few days. Sharing articles, videos, encouragement. I made a document for all of us to add things to do to fight off boredom. I’ve emailed parents and shared some resources they might be interested in. Today I sent out a Google Form for my kids to respond to. I asked for advice for peers who have never taken on eLearning class before, questions they might have, and how I can support them. The responses have been fantastic. Hence the FAQ + Advice document.

Before that, I was listening to this podcast from two English teachers with a great resource to share with our kids about scheduling their new elearning lives.

Before that, I was Face-timing with my sister in Michigan.

Before that, I was outside with the dogs, replanting a banana plant that my husband brought home yesterday.

Before that, I made nachos for lunch. With fresh avocado. So good. Yum.

Before that, I stopped at Publix for a couple items on my way home.

Before that, I rode my horse. The weather was literally PERFECT. It’s a gorgeous day. The sun was out, but not hot. There were enough clouds to make it delightful. He’s a wooly beast right now, but we had a nice little ride. Social distancing at its best, y’all.

8 thoughts on “Before That: Wednesday Edition

  1. I love this format! Definitely borrowing, though I will have to write about the day before since I typically slice at 6 a.m. My list of “before thats” would be pretty short at that point! Thanks for sharing the Brave New Teacher Podcast too. Totally stealing their ideas for week 1 of elearning: Create a work from home schedule! That will help ease my students in. Now off to explore your other links!

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