Hobbies & Habits

No Chicken

On our menu for today, because of the rain, was a roasted whole chicken with roasted pan veggies and mashed potatoes.

Yesterday, during our weekly run to the Piggly Wiggly, my husband could find no chicken. The entire section was wiped out. I thought it was fine, we could just cook some chicken breasts which we have in the freezer.

My husband, who doesn’t even really like chicken that much, decided chicken breasts were not good enough.

So today he decided we would run to the Publix to see if they had any chicken. We loaded up the truck with me, him, and our dog George (He always goes on runs with us). I stayed in the truck (with hand wipes at the ready), as usual, while Casey ran in.

He came out empty handed and bummed. “We’re going to the Winn Dixie”, he proclaimed.

Off we went in the opposite direction to check on the chicken supply at the WD (our least favorite grocery store).

I bet you can guess the outcome: No chicken!

Well, Casey was not about to give up. We drove to a different exit and went to TWO more grocery stores to find this dang chicken.

To no avail. No chickens anywhere.

But now we do have two Cornish Game Hens, a pork roast, and some more ground beef (just in case).

Don’t worry, I made him wipe his hands and the door handle every time he got back in the truck and he changed when we got home.

Happy quarantine, everyone! 🙂

9 thoughts on “No Chicken

  1. At least you did find some things and had a lovely dinner. I’ll be venturing out tomorrow quite early in hopes of getting stuff I need. I have a feeling our governor will be doing what Ohio’s did today: shelter in place.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It’s unreal what’s happening at the stores. My husband was just there and couldn’t find anything that we were looking for, which was shocking since there is a limit to one package of each type of meat/poultry product in the store.

    Glad your hubby was able to find you some good products, albeit no chickens.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. May your food supply align with your shopping lists in the future. I enjoyed this slice. I was hopeful until the bitter end. Next week, I hope you’ll find all the chickens you need. That’s when they come home to roost, I hear! (Bad joke – I’ll see myself out. ;-))


  4. We had the same problem- with eggs, chicken and ground beef. 4 stores later we found all 3. No whole chicken though just wings and breasts. Mad crazy out there!


  5. The same thing happened to me yesterday when I went in search of a chicken. I ended up bringing home a turkey instead. Thanks to your husband you now have a week’s worth of meals. Have fun cooking!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Wow, that was a lot of chicken hunting. The menu for today sounded great, though. You’ll be able to have some more good meals though. I’m glad you home now with plenty of meat. Blessings.


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